
How to Reduce Unemployment for People With Disabilities

There are thousands of people all around Australia living with a disability who are currently unemployed but would like to find a steady job. It’s not all about simply getting paid. It’s about being productive and being a contributor.

Unquestionably, job seekers with a disability will face extra hurdles to leap over in their bid to land a job and keep a job, as compared to a regular, able-bodied job seeker. While there are certainly more challenges, there is help available for people living with a disability to find fulfilling employment.

A Jobactive provider is one such helpful service.

What Is a Jobactive Provider Exactly?

Developed by the Australian Government, Jobactive is a nationwide initiative that is designed to offer assistance to long-term unemployed people to help them find work. With Jobactive providers located all around the country, almost all of Australia’s job seekers will have ready access to the Jobactive network.

Jobactive not only helps job seekers but also assists employers in finding the right staff to fill job vacancies.

What Does a Jobactive Provider Offer Job Seekers?

If you’re unemployed and seeking work, your Jobactive provider will give you all the assistance you need to prepare for the workforce (becoming job-ready), as well as helping you to find and keep a job.

Participants will be eligible to undergo training programs for self-improvement, developing interview skills, other skills training to make you more attractive to potential employers, use of the provider’s office equipment, help with resume writing, and more.

Most importantly, Jobactive providers help to line up job seekers with appropriate job vacancies that are currently available and will even help to land you a job interview.

From start to finish, your local Jobactive provider is your teammate when it comes to everything involved to help you get a job.

Does a Jobactive Provider Specifically Help People With Disabilities?

Your Jobactive provider is there to offer assistance to all eligible unemployed people and this includes job seekers living with a disability as well. There are certain programs and different levels of assistance that a Jobactive provider can give you if you have a temporary or permanent disability. Employment assistance isn’t a “one size fits all” approach, as both the government and your Jobactive provider understand that there are different needs and challenges facing people with disabilities, including access to disability employment services.

What Are Disability Employment Services?

In order to gain access to the assistance that Disability Employment Services offers, you’ll need to go through a designated provider and your local Jobactive provider can give you the access you need.

What is Disability Employment Services?

Also commonly known simply as DES, Disability Employment Services is a program specifically designed to help people with disabilities find work. It’s a scheme that’s also available for people with an injury or illness. The scheme also works with employers looking to hire staff and monitors disabled workers once they do find a job.

If you are eligible to be assisted by the DES scheme, you’ll be able to discuss your career goals and aspirations and receive all of the assistance required to help you get a job and keep it.

You will need to undergo a Job Capacity Assessment to determine your level of disability and how many hours per week you are capable of working. This can all be explained to you by your Jobactive provider.

How About the NDIS Program?

NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Rather than being all about support for the person living with a disability, this program reaches beyond that and assists carers and family members as well. It’s a lifetime approach to assistance for people living with a disability and yet another scheme you can access via your Jobactive provider.

In addition, there are also employer incentives available, such as a wage subsidy scheme to entice employers to give someone with a disability ago and a chance to prove they can adequately perform the tasks involved in the job role.

In Conclusion

If you’re living with a disability and want to find work, then talk with your local Jobactive provider about the assistance they can offer you to help you achieve your employment and career goals.

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