
Reasons Why Young People Fail in College

A college education is a demanding endeavor that not all young people can manage. Some students perform worse than they want, while others drop out of college altogether, unable to meet the demanding academic requirements. It is believed that laziness is the main reason for student failure, but the natural causes are often more complex and diverse. In this article, the write my college essay for me writers explore the root causes of failure in the college setting.

Motivation and Attitude 

The lack of motivation is one of the main reasons for failure in college. This problem may originate from psychological distress, depression, alcohol consumption, weariness, and many other issues. Students may feel lost and confused when they realize that after years of hard work to get into college, they have to spend many more years working very hard. Some students have undiagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADSD), which may interfere with motivation. Bad lifestyle habits such as not eating properly, drinking alcohol, consuming drugs, and sleeping less than eight hours also affect motivation because they drain physical and emotional resources. Finally, students may be unmotivated when they have significant student loans and realize that many years will pass before becoming financially independent.

Study Habits 

Another cause of failure concerns bad study habits. College education requires an ability to manage one’s time effectively, and those who fail to develop this crucial skill risk demonstrating suboptimal performance. For example, students cannot prioritize their activities or procrastinate until it’s too late to complete the assignments properly. Poor study skills make students anxious and stressed, which also affects their academic performance. The absence of useful study habits, such as note-taking, planning, scheduling, etc., contributes to the problem.

Academic Preparedness 

Some students are simply not prepared adequately for the next academic level. Those from less prestigious schools may feel that their peers are more prepared academically and possess a larger body of skills and knowledge. Academic preparedness issues are particularly characteristic for low-income, disadvantaged students whose parents could not pay for additional tutoring services.

External Factors

It is not always students’ fault that they fail at college. Sometimes, all the factors may be against them. They can have family issues, struggle with financial problems, or become sick. There are many factors that young people cannot control, which can significantly decrease their chances of graduation.


Poor lifestyle habits are another cause of low grades. Students who sleep for only a couple of hours every night, drink much coffee and alcohol and eat fast food all the time hardly have the physical and mental energy to study. A sedentary lifestyle, in turn, may trigger the development of various chronic diseases and make students feel sluggish and exhausted all the time, which negatively affects academic performance. Therefore, having healthy lifestyle habits is one of the students’ basic needs to be efficient in all their activities.

Instruction and Instructional Materials 

Instructional materials and the overall quality of instruction may also act as one of the adverse factors. Not all colleges have professors who can truly engage and motivate students and provide meaningful support. If students feel misunderstood or think they are being treated unjustly, they may lose motivation to study and eventually drop out. In addition, the quality of instructional materials also plays an important role. They should be well-developed, accessible, and relevant; otherwise, students may not acquire knowledge as expected.

Bad Influence 

Peer influence should also be cited as one of the factors determining success or failure. Students who made friends with someone not interested in education tend to become distracted and unengaged. They may spend too much time hanging out with peers, consuming drugs and alcohol, and partying instead of attending classes and completing the assignments. Therefore, it is critically important to carefully choose friends in college and communicate with those who motivate and inspire rather than weigh you down.


Finally, there is a problem of relevance. Young people often choose a major when they are unsure who they are and what they want to do in life. As they progress in their study, they may realize that they made the wrong choice and are actually interested in something else. Remaining motivated and engaged in such situations is a real challenge. Sometimes, students choose a major that interests them but become disappointed as they learn more about it and understand that their interests and abilities do not coincide with their choice.


For some students, failure is caused by the interrelation of factors. For example, the absence of advanced study skills may decrease motivation and result in poor performance. In other words, every situation is different, so it is essential to provide student-tailored support to ensure that fewer students flunk out of college.

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