
OSRS Gold Buying Guide For RuneScape Beginners

If you’re a RuneScape newbie and need some quick cash to start your adventure, then this blog post is for you. We’re going over the different ways that you can get OSRS gold in-game and also how you can buy it from various sources.

Gold is the most valuable currency in Old School RuneScape. It can be used to buy a variety of things, such as armor and weapons, or items like the Twisted Bow or Elysian Spirit Shield.

Now, where’s the best place to buy OSRS gold from?


eBay is one of the most well-known places to buy OSRS Gold online and one that we at RuneScape Central dislike. Their response time for customer service can take months, as they do not have an excellent track record with regards to delivery times; there’s also a lot of feedback from players who didn’t receive what was bought due mainly because there is not much competitor in this marketplace. Our advice is to avoid eBay at all costs since it’s not the best place to get OSRS gold.


There are Runescape-related forums, where players post threads to sell OSRS gold and items. Buyers can search for deals on these boards because they’re strict about enforcing rules against scammers who might try their luck with unsuspecting buyers out there looking around – but sometimes something like that does happen anyway!

Prices vary depending on the forum; some charge very low rates while others could be overpriced so buyer beware if you see something suspicious or the OSRS gold price is too good to be true.

As an OSRS gold buyer, you have many sellers to choose from and there’s little competition. The delivery time depends on how quickly they respond to your offer request; however, if one seller is willing/able enough then that means less work for you!

OSRS Gold Websites

Sites that offer OSRS gold make it easy to purchase this valuable in-game currency. There are plenty out there that seem good, but will end up costing you more in the long run because their prices can’t compete with OSRS gold sources.

Many websites sell OSRS gold. They have their support teams, quick response, and delivery time which makes them safe to use because they want positive reviews from clients who buy OSRS gold from them.

How To Choose An OSRS Gold Site

To identify the best OSRS gold site to get gold from, you can compare past customer reviews or try them yourself first. If this is your first time buying OSRs gold online, you should look into these factors.

Customer Reviews

You want to make sure that the gold seller you buy from has positive reviews. But how do I know if they are legitimate? There’s an awesome website called Trustpilot which displays verified customer feedback and where people leave their thoughts on different companies in relation to OSRS Gold.

Sites that don’t have lots of positive reviews and only one-star ratings should be avoided. These are often sites where gold orders do not go through on time, or the customer service is bad.

Delivery Time

The world of RuneScape is a busy and competitive one. If you’re like me, the idea of waiting days or even hours for your gold order to be delivered can seem unbearable when it comes time to finally get that much-needed OSRS gold boost.

Gold buyers should always be on the lookout for sites that have quick delivery times. Sites with long wait times are unconvincing and unreliable, so if you find one of these beware!

OSRS Gold Pricing

You need to know the difference between a legitimate site and an illegal one. Gold sellers who use bots or other software can easily sell you their gold for a cheap price, but it’s important not to buy from these sites as they may be using unethical methods of OSRS gold acquisition.

Buying cheap gold is a common way for your account to get banned. Trust us when we say it’s worth the extra expense because buying OSRS Gold through legal means will not only save you from any future problems but also make sure that your account does not get flagged or banned by Jagex moderators.

We hope this OSRS gold buying guide has been helpful and good luck on your RuneScape journey!

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