
What Is Workplace Compliance and How Do You Manage It?

Workplace compliance and compliance management are terms you hear quite often in today’s business world. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at workplace compliance, what it is exactly, some examples and ways in which you can manage compliance in your business

What Is Workplace Compliance Exactly?

There are rules and regulations that govern every business and workplace in Australia, to ensure businesses remain compliant with the law. These compliance laws are designed, in general, to protect businesses, employees and the public.

Compliance isn’t just about having rules to try and restrict your business. It’s about health and safety, doing the right thing by employees and customers and also about building a solid and positive reputation for your business.

If your workplace gets investigated and is found to be in breach of compliance laws in any way, you could face a potential fine or, worst case scenario, have your business shut down by the authorities. You don’t want to face any of these scenarios, so workplace compliance should be a top priority. 

Examples of Compliance In the Workplace

Let’s take a look at a few general examples of compliance in the workplace to gain a better understanding of what it entails.

One area of workplace compliance that might sometimes be overlooked but shouldn’t be, is the subject of harassment in the workplace. Incidents of harassment could be sexual harassment, bullying from the boss or other employees and similar incidents. By law in Australia, no one should be subjected to bullying or sexual harassment in the workplace.

Workplace health and safety standards need to be met at all times as much as possible, to ensure the health and safety of everyone who either works at the business or visits the business premises. Many rules and regulations are targeted at providing a safe work environment rather than simply being regulations for the sake of it. People spend a lot of time at work and many accidents and injuries in Australia occur from work-related incidents. 

Everyone Needs To Be Aware of Workplace Compliance

In order for employees and everyone involved in the business to remain compliant with industry regulations, they must first be made aware of what’s required. Otherwise, without that knowledge, how can they be expected to know what to do to be compliant at all times?

It’s important that all staff members undergo compliance training, as this is the only sure way that you can guarantee your business remains compliant and that everyone is doing their part to ensure this.

Compliance is about what should be done and not just what shouldn’t be done. It’s a two fold process.

Along with adequate training, regular staff meetings should be held to discuss compliance issues, to make announcements of any changes to compliance laws and also to discuss risk management. Without proper risk management in the workplace, it can be difficult to maintain compliance. Meetings can be used to discuss potential risks that employees have noticed and to do something about those potential problem areas before they present an issue. 

Encourage Accountability

It’s important to encourage accountability in the workplace. In other words, make your employees responsible for both understanding and implementing workplace compliance. It’s a positive experience when people learn from their mistakes, take ownership of them and strive not to repeat that same mistake ever again.

Accountability starts at the top. Business owners must be willing to be accountable for their own mistakes and not blame staff members. This sets an example that can then be followed all the way down the line.

If everyone is willing to take accountability, you’ll soon find your workplace is compliant and primarily risk-free. 

Workplace Compliance Software Can Help

To help you with workplace compliance, including understanding what compliance in your industry entails, specialist workplace compliance software can make life a lot easier. With sophisticated dashboards and access to central libraries, maintaining compliance in your workplace will be a breeze. Dedicated software also helps you analyse your business, monitor your processes and enables you to easily make reports of incidents to governing bodies. If you’re a medium to large business, then compliance software is a must have tool. 

The Takeaway

Maintaining a compliant workplace is first about being educated on what’s required, passing on this vital information to every member of staff, then constantly monitoring the workplace to ensure compliance regulation.

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