
Why You Need a Second Phone Number for Business

Many entrepreneurs are completely unaware that they need a second phone number for business. They might assume that they only need one and that’s going to be the full-time cell phone number that is tied to their personal life. 

However, the truth of the matter is that while this may be fine during normal working hours, anytime you’re dealing with clients or work outside of your office, you might want to consider having a second phone number for business

And there are ten top benefits that we’ve identified which we think will have you completely convinced of why you need to get one!

It Avoids Using a Home Number for Business

While everyone enjoys hearing from friends and family at any time, they probably don’t appreciate getting calls from an incoming client or work line when it’s not expected or designated as such on their caller ID. 

A second phone number solves this problem as it can be specifically dedicated to business purposes and clients know what times it will be manned This also gives you more flexibility when it comes to designating who answers the call – you can have someone manning the phone full-time or have it go straight to voicemail during off-hours. 

You can separate your personal and professional lives 

Another big benefit of having a second phone number is that you can keep your personal and professional lives completely separate. This is ideal for those who are in relationships and don’t want their significant other or even their children accidentally answering work calls when they’re at home

If you’ve ever sent a text message to the wrong person, you can understand just how embarrassing this can be. A second phone number eliminates this possibility and keeps your personal life private. 

You Can Have Multiple Lines for Different Purposes

Another great thing about having a second phone number is that you can use it for different purposes. For example, you might have one line for your business and another for your home-based business. 

This gives you the ability to easily track expenses and keep your finances separate. You can also use it to create a more professional image for your business – after all, not everyone wants to call a cell phone number that’s associated with their personal name. 

No Need to Carry Two Phones!

You also don’t need to carry around two cell phones – one for personal use and another for business. If you’ve ever had the panic of having left your phone somewhere then the last thing you’re going to want to do is have to now start to worry about two of the things!

A second phone number means you only need to carry one cell phone, as all incoming calls can be routed to the same device. This also allows you to keep your work communications within reach – if you’re going on a lunch break or heading into a meeting, then simply turn off your professional line so that it doesn’t ring during this time.

You Can Quickly Switch Between Numbers

Lastly, having a second line is extremely convenient as it’s simple for you to switch between numbers when needed. Whether you need your business number at the last minute or just want to call home without dealing with an unexpected personal expense, then this makes it completely hassle-free.

Your Business Number Can Be Forwarded

Having a second phone number for business can allow you to forward calls onto your primary line. This means if you’re out of town or at a client location and you don’t have your cell phone available, you can still answer calls by having them forwarded to the second number.

You Can Block Specific Numbers from Calling Your Business Number

If there are certain people or businesses that you want to avoid at all costs when it comes to your business number, then you can simply block their numbers from being able to call your work line. This is helpful in avoiding solicitations and unwanted phone calls during off-hours. 


If you’re using a business-issued phone for your personal calls, then be aware that there is the possibility that your employer can gain access to all of your phone records. Even if they can’t access your actual call, they may have the ability to see your incoming and outgoing text messages on a company phone.

Additionally, some companies will have the functionality to be able to listen in during calls, so it’s better to have two lines, one for personal use and one for business. This is where a phone app really brings the benefits of two lines on one phone.

Ensure there is a Work-Life Balance

While some entrepreneurs are interested in working as much as possible, there is a huge value in establishing a work-life balance.  A second phone number can be an essential part of this as it allows you to compartmentalize your work and personal lives. This is especially helpful for those who want to continue having a social life outside of work!

The professionalism of Having a Second Line

Finally, you might just want to consider getting a second line for business because it’s simply more professional.  While there are many people who still think this is unnecessary in this day and age, the fact of the matter is that your clients and colleagues will appreciate it and will feel much more confident and positive working with someone who has a sense of organization around their work life.

In Conclusion…

For entrepreneurs, having a secondary phone number can be incredibly useful. It gives you the ability to maintain a high level of professionalism while also giving you an avenue to separate your personal from your business lives. In addition, it provides numerous benefits such as allowing you to easily track expenses between work and home use. 

For both the business owner and the employee, the benefits that a second phone number app can offer, really are immense.

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