
5 Insights to Choose the Right Data Migration Company

Choosing the right data migration service provider is crucial for any business to transfer data from the source to the destination successfully. And since migrating sensitive and mission-critical company data is a challenge, companies must factor in reliability, infrastructure security, and overall performance.  

Here are five insights to help businesses of all sizes choose the right data migration company over several other options in the market:  

Permissions and Other Features Migration Functionalities  

The need to migrate TBs/PBs of company data along with sharing permissions, metadata, external shares, versions, comments, and embedded links makes business migration distinct from personal migration. 

One of the most important checkboxes to prioritize is to ensure that the data migration service company for your business can migrate all the important features. Leading data migration companies like CloudFuze also migrate source cloud-specific features such as Box Notes to OneDrive and all other business clouds. 

The Bandwidth to Support High-speed and High-volume Migration  

Discrete and fully managed business data migration companies separate themselves from generic free tools by offering scalable bandwidth for high-volume and high-speed migration. If your company must adhere to a strict deadline to complete the overall migration project on time, ensure that the migration partner you choose uses dedicated migration instances.  

For example, when migrating TBs/PBs of Google Drive data to OneDrive, the migration must have the functional and infrastructural capabilities to transfer at least 2TB of data per day while ensuring accurate conversion of Google Docs, Sheets, etc.  

Availability of Customization Options  

In some business data migration projects, customizing a specific functionality becomes necessary to achieve the overall migration goals. For example, when migrating to SharePoint Online from Dropbox, transferring specific file versions to specific SharePoint Online sites may be necessary.  

In such cases, it is important to ensure that the data migration company has the technical expertise to make custom changes and deploy them on time.  

Data Reconciliation Support  

In some cases, businesses try to migrate data using their in-house resources and face many roadblocks, which eventually lead to migration failure and potential data loss. If your company is on a similar path and is nearing migration disruption or has already faced one, it pays to choose a data migration company that offers extensive data reconciliation support.  

Extensive and Accurate Delta Migration   

Updating incremental changes on the destination via delta migration is a crucial part of any business data migration project. Therefore, it is worth choosing a data migration service company that offers extensive delta migration services while ensuring uncompromised accuracy. 

Support for source data cleanup is a good plus point for companies looking forward to leaving the source cloud altogether.  

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